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3 Delicious Walnut Healthy Snack Bars to Try

walnut healthy snack bars

What can I say? We all experience firsthand how our lives are in constant, sharp, and fast motion—and so are we. Between the overload of meetings, endless tasks, and strict deadlines, finding the time to stop and sit down for a balanced meal that will keep us full throughout the day is often a luxury we just don’t have—especially in the middle of the day. That’s why we often end up grabbing something on the go, far too often, just to keep our energy levels up and prevent a crash.

But with so many snack options available, including Walnut Healthy Snack Bars, it can be really tricky to distinguish between what’s genuinely good for us and provides energy and what doesn’t—those snacks that, instead of energizing us, end up disappointing, despite how they’re marketed. So, before diving into the fascinating discussion about how to make the right choices regarding snack bars, however healthy they may seem, the question arises: Is this snacking culture really healthy? Or, as the saying goes, “To snack or not to snack—that is the question.”

Is Snacking Healthy?

If you’re not new to my site, you’ve probably realized by now that you’ll find at least two opposing viewpoints for almost every topic—and the same goes for snacking culture. In this context, snacking refers to eating small items, like walnut healthy snack bars, between meals—whether it’s because you’re craving something tasty, feeling hungry again, or your body signals that you need a quick energy boost.

Walnut Healthy Snack Bars – The Case for Snacking!

On the one hand, there’s an approach that fully encourages small snacks between meals, provided they contain healthy and nutritious ingredients. According to this view, smart snacking helps maintain stable energy levels throughout the day, keeping us energized and productive for all our tasks. Just as important, it prevents excessive hunger, which can lead to overeating during the next main meal—be it lunch or dinner—ultimately resulting in a lower daily calorie intake. The physiological explanation is that eating small portions every few hours helps prevent sharp drops in blood sugar levels (which often lead to fatigue) and keeps your metabolism active. Walnut Healthy Snack Bars are a great example of a snack that fits this approach—assuming, of course, you know what’s inside!

Research Support for the Pro-Snacking Approach

Based on a 2014 study, evidence from cross-sectional studies suggests an inverse relationship between higher eating frequency and lower body weight among adults. In other words, these studies indicate that body weight tends to decrease as the frequency of eating increases. However, it’s important to clarify that cross-sectional studies, unlike clinical trials, are purely observational and cannot prove causality. While these studies show a correlation, they cannot definitively conclude that higher eating frequency directly causes weight loss.

Walnut Healthy Snack Bars – The Opposing View

On the other hand, there is an opposite approach that advocates for longer intervals between meals, especially when the goal is weight loss. This approach is based on the idea that frequent daily eating can hinder fat burning, even in small portions. The physiological explanation is that longer gaps between meals—such as in the popular intermittent fasting method—allow the body to enter fat-burning mode between meals, which promotes weight loss and improves insulin sensitivity, the hormone responsible for regulating sugar entry into cells.

Research Support for the Opposing View

According to an article published in 2015 on the American Society for Nutrition website, research supports the approach that recommends extending the intervals between main meals. These studies indicate a link between frequent eating and increased calorie intake over the long term, which can naturally lead to weight gain. Another key point mentioned in the article, which is highly relevant, is that snacks often tend to be processed foods with minimal nutritional value.

So what’s the conclusion – To snack or not to snack?

With all due respect to research—and I have a lot of respect for it, as you know—there’s research, and then there’s reality. In our day-to-day lives, where we’re constantly on the move with hectic schedules, sometimes all we want, whether we’ve eaten a full, balanced meal, is to grab something that feels good for our body, boosts our energy, and nourishes our soul. And that’s perfectly fine, as long as it’s a genuinely healthy snack and not one that only pretends to be.

Walnut Healthy Snack Bars – The Perfect Snack

When looking for a truly healthy snack, walnut healthy snack bars are an excellent choice, especially when made at home. What makes them so nutritious and beneficial is primarily their key ingredient—walnuts. Walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties, support heart health, and help maintain a sense of fullness over time. Additionally, walnuts are packed with fiber and protein, which have been proven to balance blood sugar levels, promote satiety, and help prevent overeating, which can aid in weight loss. A 2010 study, for example, found that walnut consumption increased satiety compared to a control group that didn’t consume walnuts.

Moreover, the additional ingredients in walnut healthy snack bars are also healthy and nutritious. For example, dried dates provide natural sweetness; unlike processed sugar, they are packed with dietary fiber. Chia seeds, rich in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, are another valuable addition. One key benefit of chia seeds is their ability to absorb water and expand in the stomach, helping you feel fuller for longer. Together, these ingredients create a tasty and nutritious snack you can enjoy without worry.

Now, for the practical part, I’ve gathered three simple and quick delicious recipes to take on the go. Enjoy 😊

1. Energy Balls with Walnuts and Dried Dates

energy balls with walnuts and dried dates

Gather Your Goodies

1 cup walnuts

1 cup pitted Majhol dates

1 tablespoon coconut oil

1 tablespoon raw cocoa

A pinch of cinnamon

How to Whip it Up?

Grind the walnuts and dates in a food processor until a smooth mixture is formed.
Add the coconut oil, cocoa, and cinnamon, and process again.
Roll the mixture into small balls and refrigerate for a few hours until set.
These can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week.

2. Homemade Crackers with Walnuts and Chia Seeds

crackers with walnuts and chia seeds

Gather Your Goodies

1 ½ cups chickpea flour

1 cup ground walnuts

2 tablespoons garlic powder

2 tablespoons dried thyme

2 teaspoons sweet or spicy paprika (to taste)

2 teaspoons salt

2 tablespoons chia seeds

3 tablespoons whole black or white sesame seeds

½ teaspoon baking soda

⅔ cup water

4 tablespoons olive oil

How to Whip it Up?

Mix all the dry ingredients in a mixer using a paddle (guitar hook). Gradually add the oil and water, and mix until the dough is smooth, not lumpy.

Divide the dough into 2-3 equal portions and shape each into a ball. Place each ball between two sheets of baking paper—one underneath and one on top—and roll out until you achieve a thin layer of dough.

Remove the top sheet of baking paper. Transfer the dough onto a baking tray. Using a pizza cutter or knife, cut the dough into rectangles or squares.

Bake at 340°F for 25 minutes or until very lightly browned.
Remove from the oven, allow the crackers to cool, and separate them by hand. Store in sealed containers until they’re all gone 😊

3. Granola Bars with Walnuts, Peanut Butter, and Dark Chocolate

granola bars with walnuts

Gather Your Goodies

2 cups oats (Quaker)

½ cup natural, sugar-free peanut butter

⅓ cup quality honey (preferably unheated)

¼ cup chopped 70% dark chocolate

1 cup chopped walnuts

1 tablespoon flax seeds

How to Whip it Up?

Melt the peanut butter and honey in a small pot over low heat until perfectly combined. Add the oats, walnuts, and flax seeds, and mix well.

Stir in the dark chocolate and mix again. Spread the mixture evenly in a 20×20 cm pan and bake for about 15 minutes at 350°F.

After baking, cut into squares and store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for one week to ten days.

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